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The XF Series boiling dryer Product Features and buy common sense
XF Series boiling dryer
  Fluid bed dryer, also known as fluidized bed, it is the air filter, fluidized bed host, cyclone, bag filter, high pressure centrifugal fan, console. Due to the different nature of the materials be dried, supporting dedusting equipment, as needed, can simultaneously select the cyclone, bag filter, can also choose which one. In general, a larger proportion of materials only need to select the cyclone, proportion of lighter, finer materials required supporting bag filter, and equipped with a pneumatic feeding device for selection.
  The XF Series boil dryer principle:
  Clean hot air through the valve plate allocated into the bed body wet material from the feeder into the boiling state is formed by a high-pressure hot air, hot air extensive contacts with the material, enhanced heat and mass transfer process, in a relatively short period of time can dry . One to enter from the bed, after tens of seconds to a few minutes boiling dry automatically flow from the other end of the bed, the equipment is generally negative pressure operation.
  The XF Series boil dryer features:
  Can implement automated production, continuous drying equipment, drying speed, low humidity, can guarantee the quality of products, in line with GMP requirements.
  The XF Series boiling Dryer Installation Notes:
  Various equipment required to be placed flat foot screws sealing of the various components. The fan can be placed in the indoor or self-built silencer indoor layout discretion to adjust according to the specific situation.
  The XF Series boil dryer range of applications:
  Pharmaceutical drugs, chemical raw materials, food, food processing, feed drying operation. Such as: API, tablet particles, Chinese medicine, health food, beverage granules, corn germ, feed, plastic resin, citric acid, and other granular powder materials dry dehumidification. Suitable material particle size is generally 0.1 ~ 6mm, the optimum particle size of 0.5 to 3 mm. Specially CPE dried developed a continuous boiling dryer.
  Each dryer has its specific scope of each type of materials can be found in certain types of dryer to meet the basic requirements, but only a most suitable., Such as the selection of properly, users have to bear unnecessary throughout the life of a one-time high procurement costs, but also to pay a heavy price, such as low efficiency, high energy consumption, high operating costs, poor product quality, and even the device did not run properly, etc. Here are some basic user to select boiling dryer criteria:
  1. The applicability ------- drying device first must be able to apply to specific materials, and to meet the basic use of dry materials requirements, including materials handling well (feeding, conveying, fluidization, dispersion pass heat, discharge, etc.), and to meet the basic requirements of the handling capacity, dehydration, and product quality.
  High drying rate --- only in respect of the drying rate of view, materials are highly dispersed in the hot air convection drying, the critical low moisture content, dry fast, and with convective drying, critical moisture content is also different drying methods, thus The drying rate is also different.
  3 low-energy ------- different indicators of energy consumption of different drying methods generally dry heat conduction efficiency theoretically up to 100%, the convection drying only about 70%.
  Saving investment ----- complete drying device of the same features, sometimes significant differences between its cost, its low choice for those who should be optional.
  Low running costs --- depreciation of equipment, energy-consuming, labor costs, maintenance costs, spare parts fee ... and other operating costs as low as possible.
  Select a simple structure, an adequate supply of spare parts, high reliability, long life and the drying device.
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