亚洲国产精品一区二区欧美,tobu8 HD中国免费视频2018,国产成人综合久久亚洲精品,国产精品欧美亚洲韩国日本久久

Impact double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry drying effect of several factors
   A double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry rotation speed of the drying rate
  Double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry cylinder rotating faster, the higher the drying rate. But late in the dry, with the decline of the material moisture content, drying rate also reduced, improving the speed of the improvement of the drying speed are useless. In addition, in the beginning of drying, the faster the rotation speed will lead to moisture vaporization too fast to produce the phenomenon of material bonded into a group. Should therefore be lower speed at the beginning of drying, to be the surface of materials than the dry, and do not agglomerate to further increase the speed in order to speed up the drying rate, shorten the drying time.
  This point, it is recommended that the choice of frequency conversion motor, the rotation speed of the cylinder can be changes in the run-time, and the menu can be set to different time periods chosen a different cylinder rotation speed (0 ~ 10rpm stepless) have time - the relationship between the set speed.
  Two double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry heating and cooling on the drying speed
  Double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry folder comprising a convection heat exchanger to provide heat and cold, so the jacket will experience hot steam method of heating or cooling to the method of cooling water. 1, raise the heat medium temperature can speed up the heating rate, shorten the drying time. Viscous materials, the high heat medium temperature is prone to the phenomenon of agglomeration. Reduce the temperature of the cooling water can accelerate the cooling rate, can also shorten the work cycle. With the nature of the materials, choose the appropriate temperature, and often better variable temperature drying method, that is, in the beginning of drying temperature is low, gradually raising the temperature to increase the drying rate.
  That is, to this point, we recommend the choice of the temperature sensing element, the double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry folder comprising a heat or cold control in the run-time changes, and the menu can be set to different time periods chosen temperature, time - temperature relationship set.
  Third, the double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry vacuum drying speed.
  Usually double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry selection of 1 × 103-1 × 104Pa vacuum, high vacuum, the material moisture vaporization temperature is low, fast drying. The vacuum will lead to increase in the cost of pumping system, the dried material prices increased, is not economically viable. But usually little value in the cooling phase of the vacuum, it should be segmented to control the vacuum pressure.
  This point, it is recommended that the choice of the pressure sensing element, double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry cylinder body vacuum control at run time changes, and the menu can be set to different time periods chosen vacuum, that is to have time - Vacuum the setting of the relationship.
  Double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry cone angle and the filling volume of the drying rate
  Double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry cylinder stacked granular or powder-like material, will occur when the material stack angle between the bevel and the bottom increases to a certain point fall in the side of the material. Happen that the slope of materials fall to the bottom of the angle that the material of the slip angle (slip angle and the material composition, moisture content, particle size and viscosity related). The double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry the design and selection should be based on the slip angle of the material and choose the angle of the cone.
  Therefore, the actual loading capacity of the drying cylinder volume ratio of the filling rate. Double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry filling rate is usually between 30% and 50%, and the bulk density of the material relevant.
  From the foregoing, the double cone rotary vacuum dryer rzdry cylinder cone angle is too large or too small will affect turning mixed results, and the formation of the drying surface ultimately affect the drying rate. Similarly, the actual loading volume filling rate is too high will also affect the flip mixing effect, affects the drying rate.
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