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Vacuum dryer in accordance with the mechanical classification of the following
Vacuum dryer in accordance with the mechanical classification can be divided into the following categories:
  (1) double cone rotary vacuum dryer
  Double cone rotary vacuum dryer, double cone rotating tank, the tank under vacuum jacket into the steam or hot water heating, exposure to heat through the tank wall and the wet material, after evaporation of damp raw material absorbed water vapor through the vacuum pump can be pumped out by the vacuum exhaust pipe. Tank body in a vacuum, and the rotating of tank material constantly turning up and down the inside and outside, it accelerated the drying rate of the material, improve the drying efficiency, to achieve uniform drying purposes.
  The double cone rotary vacuum dryer is a new set of mixed dry in one dryer. Condensers, vacuum pumps and dryer facilities, to form a vacuum drying device. (Such as no back to the asylum agent, the condenser may or may not) advanced design of this machine, the internal structure is simple, easy cleaning, the material to discharge all, easy to operate. Can reduce labor intensity and improve the working environment. Materials due to the container itself, rotation rotation and the wall of the plot material, and therefore a higher heat transfer coefficient, drying rate, not only saving energy, and materials can be dried evenly full, good quality. Can be widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, food, dyes and other materials dry. Comply with the requirements of the drug management practices "GMP".
  The concentration of the double cone rotary vacuum dryer for the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries, in powder, granular and fibrous materials, mixing, drying, and the need for low-temperature drying of materials (such as biochemical products, etc.), more easily oxidized volatile, the thermosensitive strong stimulation, drying toxic materials and the materials are not allowed to destroy the crystal. Two elastic belt / chain connection, and thus the equipment running smoothly. Specially designed process, and fully reflects the good concentricity of the two axis, heat medium and vacuum systems are a reliable mechanical seal or rotary joint. The aircraft can stepless speed regulation, but also thermostatically controlled. A heat transfer medium from the high-temperature heat conduction oil, the temperature steam and low temperature hot water readily available. Drying the adhesive material in the tank for your specially designed copy board structure.
  2 Rake Vacuum Dryer
  Vacuum rake dryer, a heat conduction dryer. Material not directly contact with the heating medium is suitable for drying a small amount of high temperature and easy oxidation of the sludge, pasty materials, the moisture content was 15% to 90%. Level rake agitator blades in the dryer is made from cast iron or steel, installed in a square shaft, half of the blade direction to the left, the other half to the right. Shaft speed the 7 ~ 8r/min, it is driven by a motor with a gear box. Automatic steering, the rotation axis direction, and a stirrer rotation direction change every 5 ~ 8min.
  Rake Vacuum Dryer rake vacuum dryer at home and abroad on the basis of the paste, paste, granular, powdery, fibrous and other materials strengthened by improved design. Rake vacuum dryer continuous improvement, and for targeted, the adaptive improvement of more than one variant species. For improved sealing mechanism to ensure that the shaft seal is effective, safe.
  3 Plate Vacuum Dryer
  Plate vacuum dryer, also known as disc vacuum dryer, dry Japanese publishing monographs have been introduced. China, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang and other places have been successfully developed. On the basis of conduction dryers in intermittent stirring, the combination of a series of advanced technologies, developed through continuous improvement and development of a multi-layer fixed hollow heated disk (also known as contained in the feed tray), turn rake mixing, the vertical continuous conduction-based drying device.
  (4) low temperature with continuous vacuum dryer
  Low temperature with continuous vacuum dryer is developed after repeated comparison of the successful development of a new concept of energy-efficient drying equipment at the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional spray drying and freeze drying
  In Chinese medicine, Western medicine, chemical, food, health products and other products of the industry is drying, spray drying is conducive to cost, but the solubility of the product. Flavor and shape of the powder there is a big defect, the viscosity slightly higher and heat-sensitive requirements of the product is powerless. Conventional freeze-drying can be an excellent product solubility and high quality products, but the yield is too low, and expensive.
  Low temperature continuous vacuum dryer of the process indicators just between these two devices, it can make dried products internal formation of porous loose to retain the original materials nature, good appearance, due to the vacuum low-temperature drying, so you can meet the processing requirements of a great part of the heat-sensitive materials.
  Low temperature continuous vacuum dryer broke through the technical problems of continuous access to the material under vacuum, static drying success into dynamic dry. Substantially increased the yield of dry products, but also makes the cost of production declined.
  The low temperature continuous vacuum dryer is particularly suitable for high viscosity, high fat and high carbohydrate materials are difficult to resolve by the spray drying and vacuum oven drying. And maintain the stability and consistency of the product volume.
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