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Boiling dryer static and dust problems in the course of the solution, to ensure safety in production
Boiling drying equipment explosion-proof structure:
  The air intake of two to three filter, induced draft fan with a silencer, the entire granulation, coating process in a closed state into the wind, fog, ventilation, energy efficient results. Trap bag anti-static fiber material, the pressure difference of both ends of the dust bag filters can be automatically measured and controlled, making the bed to maintain optimum fluidized state. The trap chamber device around two trap Toi, each trap bags below the edge part of the airbag structure is fixed to the cloth bag bottom edge, bag racks and the airbag structure pulled the appropriate location, airbag inflation, expansion of the cloth bag. of the bottom edge and on the cylinder wall seal. This structure is easy to operate, the operator does not need to climb the highest point of the assembly and disassembly of Po Toi.
  Host the upper part with explosion-proof device, the host internally generated positive pressure, the pressure in the blast doors F warning issued by the air signal, so that the whole system is powered down, fast valve to a gas-electric conversion, b quickly shut down, such as the cylinder pressure to continue increased, forcing the blast doors F to open automatically, explosive gas discharged from the vent channel host, to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. Vent study was approved by the State Economic and Trade Commission of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Machinery testing center, when the host cylinder internal positive pressure> 0.8kg/cm2 venting doors open automatically.
  In addition, the electrical parts of equipment should be explosion-proof measures blower explosion-proof, observe the light explosion-proof. Stressed in another manual and electrical installation safety ground installation requirements, related to these plant and equipment grounding facilities.
  The explosion-proof granulation coating machine with the above-mentioned structure of the market, the device has a granulation, coating, drying function, and explosion-proof performance, apply to Western medicine, food, chemical industry, powder granulation and powder, granules, surface coating coating of pills.
  Fluid bed dryer should be noted that the use of safety in use, focusing on performance in the following aspects
  Electrostatic powder factors boiling in a boiling drying equipment
  In the process of boiling dry boiling drying equipment, drying gas and dry particle surface of the solid particulate material intense friction materials have a huge impact and the cylinder wall between the solid particles, trapping bags and tubes violent collision and friction, the friction wall roads, a large number of static surface of the solid particles, on the other hand, continue to improve the solid particles, to generate a lot of freshmen surface, the surface charge of the original particle balance is destroyed, so that the new particle surface, and brought a lot of charges. Aggregation, adhesion to the wall as soon as the machine ground state is not good, we can form a very high voltage electrostatic charge accumulation, under certain conditions, will lead to electrostatic discharge sparks. Has been dry material is flammable, explosive materials, the static spark can easily cause the sudden onset of fire or explosion of the dry material.
  Because regardless of flow boiling or trap run in boiling boiling materials drying equipment can easily produce large amounts of dust, dust boiling can easily result in the electrostatic spark ignition source may result in elements. "Dust cloud" as described in the literature, combustible powder particles than 400μM, the formation of dust cloud is no longer explosive powder particle size of less than 10 microns, there is a greater risk of "capture boiling drying equipment bag and fine grain size between the exhaust pipe, the top of the dust cloud may, therefore, is likely to exist factors of general materials with combustible dust explosion of the powder composition, this means that there are three elements of the dust explosion, such as material, if the possibility of dust explosion.
  Boiling, drying equipment, explosion-proof motor, this device must be configured to prevent sources of ignition. Above, static electricity and dust explosion, explosion-proof security device, it is often forgotten, while the actual production of drugs, to ensure the safety of production equipment, reliable, in accordance with the corresponding process requirements. This is not just the last of such incidents, this need not be too serious, "the concept of manufacturing the device should be scientific and safety considerations.
  Teng drying equipment boiling, to prevent anti-dust explosion in the powder can learn the following measures:
  1) Elimination of ignition sources, ignition sources of equipment and devices may be installed in explosion suppression systems, explosion-proof membrane, or in the dirt or dust filters of equipment and piping, pressure relief valve set.
  2) often remove the pipe and trap dust bag, dust accumulation.
  3) electrical equipment, explosion-proof devices, such as explosion-proof motor, install the ground.
  4) plant design to meet the requirements in order to prevent dust explosions, antiknock design and adequate explosion relief area.
  2, the dust explosion boiling drying equipment factors
  Dust explosion is defined as the dust particles suspended in the air with oxygen in the air is full contact, in order to complete the oxidation reaction under certain conditions, the transient response, the release of large amounts of heat, resulting in high temperature, high pressure phenomenon. Under normal circumstances, flammable solids in the air when burned, release energy and produce large amounts of gas, the release of energy, speed and burning speed, the size of the exposed area of ??the solid (dust) in the air. Therefore, substances with a solid powder, the smaller the particle size than the area of ??the larger, faster flame propagation. The size of solid particles is very small, and can pause, and the release of large amounts of energy within a very short time, once the ignition source ignited the energy is too late dissipation into the surrounding environment in space gas heating and absolute expansion, on the other hand, the powder burn large amounts of gas, resulting in the formation of local high pressure and produce an explosion and dissemination.
  The literature suggests that any dust explosion has three elements, namely, ① sources of ignition; ② combustible fine dust; ③ dust floating in the air suspended dust cloud formation in the range of explosive concentration. These, the first three elements of the explosion, as long as the elimination of one of the factors can be effective in preventing dust explosions.
  Fluid bed dryer anti-static measures to prevent static electricity can learn the following measures:
  1) trap bag anti-static fiber materials in a timely manner to eliminate the static powder into the bag to avoid stripping of electric powder poly Manifold.
  2) air supply pipe and fittings connect the entire system of the conductor material, and power carefully connected and timely guidance to the electrostatic powder.
  3) Other methods, such as increasing the diameter of the pipe to reduce the elbow, regular cleaning and discharge operations workers wear anti-static clothing business, electrostatic suppression, reduction and elimination of the boiling process of the powder is also effective.
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